About ...


... a bit further

Going a bit further, for this journey is not a destination, but a path to discover, everyday a bit further.

Looking a bit further, for life sometimes asks us to raise or eyes faraway, overthere, further.

Thinking a bit further, for this journey is more than concrete streaming under the wheels, this is also an inside path to follow, further and further.

Loving a bit further, for one builds love by giving a bit more, a bit further.

Living a bit further, for beyond wounds, I want to believe in the beauty that is yet to be received. Just a bit further.



... me

First name : Sébastien
Last name : Gros
Age : 31 years old
Profession : undetermined
Status : single
Particular signs : many
Motto : "Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out of it alive anyway"


Dream hunter, sand castle builder, extremist, dabbler, enthusiastic, brutally ironic, sensitive, disillusioned and romantic, if I had to pick a few words to describe myself, I would choose these ones. The labels that some have sometimes tried to stick on me have always seemed too narrow to write down the list of the dreams that inhabit me, hence, though I am over thirty, I still surprise those who have not yet completed the visit of my little planet.

The world is unbounded and the frontiers are mainly built by ourselves. This idea is naïve, but it has carried me forward for many years. I am readying myself for a new hazardous and absurdly difficult adventure. Finally if a label was to be stuck on me, I guess it would be this one.


... the equipment (sorry not translated...)


Moyeu Rohloff, cadre acier, pneus Schwalbe Marathon XR, jantes Sputnik 36 trous devant, 32 derrière, rayons de descente, freins V-brake Shimano XT, gommes 3 couleurs, selle Brook, amortisseur paraléllogramme, portes-bagages Tubus, Poches Ortlieb 30+40l + saccoche de guidon, pare-boues amovibles, chaîne renforcée, Rack-sac 30l, porte-gourdes.


10 rayons arrière, 5 rayons avants, 5 chambres à air, rustines, 6 jeux de gommes de frein, 1 chaîne, 2 paires de clip, 1 jeu de câbles complet, colsons, bagues métaliques, 2m de cordelette, fil de fer, outil multi-tool, huile (Rohloff), pompe.


Tente Hilleberg Nallo 2, sac de couchage Phantom 0, réchaud Whisperlite international, bonbonne 1l, 1 pot Titanium, filtre Katadyn Pocket, Micropurs, containaire Dromedary 10l, poche à eau 4l, 2 bouteilles 1.5l, lampe frontale Petzl, matelas Thermarest Prolite 4, 1 cuillère en titane, 1 couteau suisse, 1 briquet, 1 serviette de bain light, 1 pompe à réchaud de rechange, matériel d’entretien, fil et aiguilles, savon, brosse à dent, dentifrice, pince à ongles.


Canon EOS 40D, objectif EF-S 10-22mm, EF 24-105mm, filtre polarisant, trépied.


Un cycliste long, un cycliste court, une pair de gants Roeckl, surgants Mammut, une veste Paclite, un pantalon gore-tex, une couche soft-shell haut/bas, une couche de base haut/bas, deux sweets light, une doudoune sans manche Patagonia, un pantalon en toile, un tee-shirt, un slip (à la Göran Kropp), deux paires de chaussettes, une paire de chaussure de rechange, chaussons gore-tex, 1 chapeau, 2 pairs de lunettes de soleil, 1 cagoule, 1 foulard.


Steristrips, baume pour les lévres, désinfectant (Bétadine), anthistaminiques (Atanax), corticostéroïde (Elocon), antispasmodique (Lopéramide), analgésique (Aspegic, …), anti-inflamatoire (Ecoprofène, Voltarène), antibiotiques large spectre (Lopéramide, …), anti-conjonctivite (Livostin), antitussif (Topexil), antipaludéens (Nivaquine, Lariam), anti-moustique, complément de magnésium.


Un chargeur solaire Powerfilm 5W, un Ipod, un natel Nokia, câbles de charge, chargeur Canon 110-220V + 12V, un sac à dos ProLight 35 gris, 4 carnets de notes à spirale, un crayon, 6 cartes, 3 guides, passeport, carte visa, traveler checks, dix photos passeport, bouchons pour les oreilles, photocopies des papiers, GPS.



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